Wayzata's Best of Shareware PC/Windows 1
Wayzata's Best of Shareware for PC-Windows - Release 1 - Wayzata Technology (1993).iso
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DATA routines manipulate numeric or string data. Single data points
or portions of arrays may be shifted left or right (equivalent to
multiplying or dividing by powers of 2), integers may be added to selected
array elements, or arrays may be multiplied by real-number constants.
INSTR-like functions find the LAST match of a sub-string in a string,
count the number of matches of a sub-string in a string, or remove portions
of strings. QLIB Array subroutines are more compact than equivalent
BASIC FOR ... NEXT loops, and can be as much as 20 times faster.
(Registered version only)
Many DATA subroutines support huge model arrays. To use huge arrays,
start QB with the /ah switch, compile using BC's /ah switch, and link
with QLIBH.LIB instead of QLIB.LIB.
QLIB DATA routines generally follow these rules:
1) Some subroutines require a math coprocessor (either 8087,
80287 or 80387, referred to as 80x87). This requirement is
clearly stated. Several subroutines will use the 80x87 if
available or will use QuickBASIC's (or BC7/QBX's) 8087 emulator.
2) a subroutine with INT, LNG, SNG or DBL in its name is to be
used with integer, long integer, single-precision real or
double-precision real number data, respectively. Subroutines
with CUR in the name are for BC7/QBX's CURRENCY data type.
3) subroutines using real numbers (SNG or DBL) require data in
IEEE floating-point format unless otherwise stated. This is
the default format for Microsoft's current BASIC and QuickBASIC
compilers; in most cases this requirement is not a problem.
Subroutine: AddINTArray(s%, p%, n%, value%, oops%)
object code: addintn.obj
Subroutine: AddLNGArray(s%, p%, n%, value%, oops%)
object code: lngarray.asm
Adds an integer to the first n% elements of an integer or long
integer array. You can subtract by adding a negative number. If the
addition caused any of the array elements to overflow, oops% indicates
the number of overflows.
DIM Array1%(10000)
value% = -6: n% = 1000
s% = VARSEG(Array1%(0)) ' s% = segment where array located
p% = VARPTR(Array1%(0)) ' p% = offset of array in segment
CALL AddINTArray(s%, p%, n%, value%, oops%)
IF oops% THEN PRINT "Uh oh, overflowed somewhere..."
REM we just subtracted six from the first 1000 elements of the array
REM Array1%().
Subroutine: AddDBL(a#, b#, c#, oops%)
object code: adddbl.obj
AddDBL adds two double-precision floating point numbers, returning
c# as the result and an error flag to warn of overflow, rather than
crashing the program on overflow. a# and b# may be positive or
negative. Oops% = 0 if no problems, or oops% = -1 if an overflow
occurred. If AddDBL overflowed, the previous value of c# will not be
lost. AddDBL is up to 3 times faster than BASIC on computers without
8087. 8087 not required.
a# = 123.456789
b# = -23.456
CALL = AddDBL(a#, b#, c#, oops%) ' results: oops% = 0, c# = 100.00789
IF oops% = -1 THEN ' check for errors anyway
Subroutine: AddSNG(a!, b!, c!, oops%)
object code: addsng.obj
AddSNG adds two single-precision floating point numbers, returning
c! as the result and an error flag to warn of overflow, rather than
crashing the program on overflow. a! and b! may be positive or
negative. Oops% = 0 if no problems, or oops% = -1 if an overflow
occurred. If AddSNG overflowed, the previous value of c! will not be
lost. AddSNG is up to 9 times faster than BASIC on computers without
a! = 123.456
b! = -23.456
CALL = AddSNG(a!, b!, c!, oops%) ' results in oops% = 0, c! = 100.00
IF oops% = -1 THEN ' check for errors anyway
Function: segptr% = AllocMem(bytes%)
object file: allocmem.obj (q$alloc.obj)
AllocMem allocates memory from DOS memory space for QLIB's use.
Unlike BASIC arrays, memory allocated by AllocMem will not move around,
so the address of these memory blocks need not be updated before use.
Use FreeMem(segptr%) to release the memory block for other use.
This memory space may be used with any QLIB subroutine or function
which uses VARSEG and VARPTR parameters; segptr% returned by AllocMem
would be used in place of VARSEG(a(0)) and VARPTR(a(0)) would be
replaced with an integer variable equal to zero.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
REM I want to create a memory space to store 180 short integers
bytes% = 180: shortseg% = AllocMem(bytes%)
REM next I'll establish initial values for each short integer
a% = 0
FOR i= 0 to 179
CALL WriteShort(shortseg%, a%, i%, value%)
Function: s% = ASCII(st$)
object code: ascii.obj
ASCII returns the ASCII value of the first letter of the string
st$. This is similar to BASIC's ASC(st$) function, except that ASCII
returns -1 if str$ is a nul string, instead of stopping the program
with an "Illegal Function Call" error message or requiring BASIC's
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
s% = ASCII(st$)
Function: i% = Bit2INT(bitstring$)
object code: bit2int.obj
Bit2INT converts a bit pattern as represented in the string
bitstring$ into an integer value. This may be used to develop bit
patterns for graphics applications. If Bit2INT is used for this purpose,
bitstring$ should be no longer than 8 characters.
Bit2INT examines each character in bitstring$ and sets bits in bitvalue%
corresponding to non-zero characters in bitstring$.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
bitstring1$ = "10101010"
bitstring2$ = "01010101"
bitvalue1% = Bit2INT(bitstring1$)
bitvalue2% = Bit2INT(bitstring2$)
pattern$ = CHR$(bitvalue1%) + CHR$(bitvalue2%)
CALL FillPattern(pattern$) ' this results in a fill
. ' pattern of alternating
. ' light and dark pixels.
. ' See FillPattern in
Subroutine: CombineINTArray(s0%, p0%, s1%, p1%, n%, add%)
object file: combine0.obj
Subroutine: CombineLNGArray(s0%, p0%, s1%, p1%, n%, add%)
object file: combine1.obj
Subroutine: CombineSNGArray(s0%, p0%, s1%, p1%, n%, add%)
object file: combine2.obj
Subroutine: CombineDBLArray(s0%, p0%, s1%, p1%, n%, add%)
object file: combine3.obj
CombineArray subroutines add Array1() to Array0() or subtract
Array1() from Array0(). Array0() is altered; Array1() remains
unchanged. If add% = 1, Array1() is added to Array0(). If
add% = -1, Array1() is subtracted from Array0(). N% is the
number of array elements. CombineINTArray is for INTEGER arrays,
CombineLNGArray is for LONG integer arrays, CombineSNGArray is for
SINGLE arrays and CombineDBLArray is for DOUBLE arrays. Note that
BOTH arrays must be the same type. CombineSNGArray and CombineDBLArray
use the 8087 if available or BASIC's 8087 emulator if no math
coprocessor is in the computer. To preserve compatability with
future versions of CombineArray subroutines, use only add% = 1
or add% = -1.
DIM Array0(99), Array1(99)
. ' program establishes values of arrays
s0% = VARSEG(Array0(0)): p0% = VARPTR(Array0(0))
S1% = VARSEG(Array1(0)): p1% = VARPTR(Array1(0))
n% = 100 ' all array elements, from 0 through 99
type% = 1 ' add array1 to array0
CALL CombineINTArray(s0%, p0%, s1%, p1%, n%, type%)
Subroutine: CopyMem(fromSEG%, fromOFF%, toSEG%, toOFF%, bytes%, crt%)
object file: copymem.obj
Copies data from one part of memory to another. You supply
the source segment and offset, destination segment and offset, and
number of bytes to move (0 - 32767). This can be used to duplicate
numeric arrays, or to copy to or from the video buffer. CopyMem will
wait for retrace periods before copying any data if crt% = -1 (to avoid
"snow" when copying to or from CGA video memory). Use crt% = 0 if not
copying to or from video memory.
DIM Array1%(1999) ' 4000-byte array
CALL GetCRT(crt%) ' crt% = -1 if monitor = CGA
fromSEG% = &HB800 ' CGA / EGA video memory segment
fromOFF% = 0 ' start of video memory buffer
bytes% = 4000 ' 25 rows x 160 bytes per row
toSEG% = VARSEG(Array1%(0))
toOFF% = VARPTR(Array1%(0))
CALL CopyMem(fromSEG%, fromOFF%, toSEG%, toOFF%, bytes%, crt%)
REM we just stored the entire screen in array Array1%()
Subroutine: Date2LNG(month%, day% year%, date&)
Subroutine: LNG2Date(month%, day% year%, date&)
object file: date2lng.obj
Date2LNG compresses a date into a long integer for storage. LNG2Date
restores the date from the compressed value.
month% = 7
day% = 20
year% = 2052
CALL Date2LNG(month%, day%, year%, date&)
Function: day$ = DayName(day%)
object file: dname.obj (q$mname.obj, strncpy.obj)
DayName returns an ASCII string with the day name, given
a day% number from 1 to 7. Unlike an array of day names
dimesioned by BASIC and stored as an array of variable-length strings,
DayName's data is stored outside of DGROUP, freeing that precious
space for other string data.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
day% = 1 ' Sunday
PRINT DayName(day%) ' prints "Sunday"
Function: day% = DayOfWeek(month%, date%, year%)
object file: dayoweek.obj
Returns the day of week (1=Sunday through 7=Saturday) given a
valid date. Valid dates are from Jan 1, 1980 through Dec 31, 2099.
Day% = 0 if the date passed to the subroutine is not valid.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
month% = 2
date% = 2
year% = 1990 ' ground hog's day, 1990
day% = DayOfWeek(month%, date%, year%)
Function: n$ = DBL2STR(n#, dec%, opt%)
object files: dbl2str.obj (q$sfmt.obj)
Function: n$ = SNG2STR(n!, dec%, opt%)
object files: sng2str.obj (q$sfmt.obj)
DBL2STR and SNG2STR convert a DOUBLE or SINGLE number to an
ASCII string usable by QPrint, GPrint and other QLIB subroutines,
with formatting options. n# or n! is the number you want converted,
dec% is the number of decimal places you want in the string and
opt% is an option code.
DBL2STR and SNG2STR options are:
1 = negative numbers enclosed by parentheses
2 = thousands separated by commas
4 = truncate decimals (default is round decimals)
options may be combined with BASIC's OR operator.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
n! = -1234.567
dec% = 2 ' 2 decimal places
opt% = 1 OR 2 ' parentheses and commas
n$ = SNG2STR(n!, dec%, opt%) ' n$ = "(1,234.57)"
Subroutine: DelArray2(VARSEG(a%(0)), VARPTR(a%(0)), i%, n%)
Subroutine: DelArray4(VARSEG(a!(0)), VARPTR(a!(0)), i%, n%)
Subroutine: DelArray8(VARSEG(a#(0)), VARPTR(a#(0)), i%, n%)
object file: delarray.obj
DelArray subroutines delete array element a(i) from the array
and close the resulting gap. n% is the maximum array subscript.
DelArray2 is used with 2-byte data, such as INTEGERs. DelArray4 is
for 4-byte data, such as SINGLE or LONG. DelArray8 is for 8-byte
data, such as DOUBLE or BC7's CURRENCY data type.
DIM a%(99) ' array of 100 elements, a(0) -> a(99)
. ' INTEGER data type
REM I want to delete a%(14) and move a%(15) through a%(99) up
i% = 14: n% = 99
CALL DelArray2(VARSEG(a(0)), VARPTR(a(0)), i%, n%)
Subroutine: DelVSTRArray(VARPTR(a$(0)), i%, n%)
object file: delvstr.obj (q$swap.obj)
Deletes a$(i) from an array of variable-length strings, and moves
a$(i+1) through a$(n) forward. a$(n) will be moved to a$(n-1), and
the new a$(n) will be a nul string.
DIM a$(100)
i% = 10: n% = 100
CALL DelVSTRArray(VARPTR(a$(0)), i%, n%)
Function: i% = Find1(s%, p%, n%, value%)
object file: find1.obj
Function: i% = Find2(s%, p%, n%, value%)
object file: find2.obj
Function: i% = Find4(s%, p%, n%, value&|value!)
Function: i% = Find8(s%, p%, n%, value#|value@)
object file: (medium model) find4.obj
(huge model) find4.obj, lowes2hi.obj
Find1, Find2, Find4 and Find8 find the first occurance of a value
in an array. Find1 is for QLIB's SHORT arrays, Find2 is for INTEGER
arrays, Find4 is for LONG arrays or for SINGLE arrays, Find8 is for
DOUBLE or BC7's CURRENCY arrays. Note that value's data type must
match the array's data type. I% is returned -1 if value is not found
or if n% = 0.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
' QLIB.BI has all the function declarations
DIM a#(99) ' 100 DOUBLE values
n% = 100 ' gonna search the whole array
s% = VARSEG(a#(0)): p% = VARPTR(a#(0))
' establish pointers to array, start at a#(0)
value# = .123456789#
i% = Find8(s%, p%, n%, value#)
IF i% = -1 GOTO Drat ' value# isn't in the array
' else a#(i%) = value#
Subroutine: FreeMem(segmentaddr%)
object file: allocmem.obj (q$alloc.obj)
FreeMem releases memory blocks allocated by QLIB (such as by
AllocMem, ScreenMem and WindowMem). If you do not release the
memory block after you are done using it, that memory will not be
available to your program for other uses. See ScreenSave,
ScreenRestore and ScreenMem in VIDEO.DOC for an example of FreeMem's
use. See also AllocMem in DATA.DOC.
Subroutine: GetTime(hour%, min%, sec%)
object file: gettime.obj
GetTime returns the system time. Hour% is from 0 to 23, min%
and sec% are 0 through 59.
CALL GetTime(hour%, min%, sec%)
Subroutine: InsArray2(s%, p%, i%, n%, value%)
Subroutine: InsArray4(s%, p%, i%, n%, value!)
Subroutine: InsArray8(s%, p%, i%, n%, value#)
object file: insarray.obj
InsArray subroutines insert value% (or !, @, #, &) in an array of
n% elements at position i%, moving a(i) through a(n-1) to a(i+1) through
a(n) to make space. The previous a(n) is lost. InsArray2 is for 2-byte
INTEGER data, InsArray4 is for 4-byte SINGLE or LONG data, and InsArray8
is for 8-byte DOUBLE or BC7's CURRENCY data. Note that the data type of
value must be the same as the data type of the array.
DIM a&(100)
value& = 1019876 ' want to put this in the array
i% = 75 ' at a(75), moving a(75) through
n% = 100 ' a(99) to make room.
s% = VARSEG(a&(0)): p% = VARPTR(a&(0))
CALL InsArray4(VARSEG(s%, p%, i%, n%, value&)
Subroutine: InsVSTRArray(VARPTR(a$(0)), i%, n%, newstring$)
object file: insvstr.obj
Similar to the InsArray subroutines, above, but works with an
array of variable-length string data. n% is the total number of
strings in the array, newstring$ is inserted in the array at a$(i),
a$(i) through a$(n-1) are moded to a$(i+1) through a$(n), and the
previous a$(n) is lost.
DIM a$(40)
newstring$ = "the new string data"
i% = 20: n% = 40
CALL InsVSTRArray(VARPTR(a$(0)), i%, n%, newstring$)
Function: c$ = InsertString(a$, b$, i%)
object file: insstr.obj
InsertString inserts b$ in a$ at position i% in a$.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
a$ = "a day in paradise"
b$ = "nother"
i% = 2
c$ = InsertString(a$, b$, i%)
REM returns c$ = "another day in paradise"
Function: i% = InString(search$, pattern$, start%)
object files: instring.obj (q$strstr.obj)
Function: i% = InStringR(search$, pattern$, start%)
object files: instrr.obj (q$srev.obj, q$strstr.obj)
Function: i% = InString2(search$, pattern$, start%)
object files: instr2.obj (q$tstr.obj, q$strstr.obj)
Function: i% = InString2R(search$, pattern$, start%)
object files: instr2r.obj (q$tstr.obj, q$srev.obj, q$strstr.obj)
Similar to BASIC's INSTR function, InString will find the first
occurrence of pattern$ in search$, and will return position% = position
in search$ where pattern$ matches. Start% is the position in search$
where InString begins looking for pattern$.
InString2 is case-insensitive, meaning that upper case A-Z are
treated the same as lower case a-z.
InStringR (Reverse) searches from the end to the start of search$.
Start% is the position in search$ where InStringR begins it's search.
To search the entire search$, start% should be LEN(search$) or greater.
InString2R is a case-insensitive reverse INSTR-like function.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
search$ = "This is a test string"
pattern$ = "is"
start% = 1 ' begin search at first char in Search$
position% = InString(search$, pattern$, start%)
' returns position% = 3
start% = 4 ' begin search at fourth char in Search$
position% = InString(search$, pattern$, start%)
' returns position% = 6
Function: i% = InStringCount(search$, pattern$, start%)
object files: instr3.obj (q$strstr.obj)
InStringCount counts the number of times pattern$ is found in
search$, beginning at start% in search$.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
search$ = "There is a moose with the mouse"
pattern$ = " mo"
start% = 1 ' search entire pattern$
count% = InStringCount(search$, pattern$, start%)
REM in this case count% = 2
Subroutine: INT2SNG(a%, a!)
object file: int2sng.obj
Subroutine: LNG2SNG(a&, a!)
object file: lng2sng.obj
INT2SNG and LNG2SNG are similar to BASIC's a! = CSNG(a%) and
a! = CSNG(a&) commands, except they are up to 30% faster than
QuickBASIC. 8087 not required.
a% = 12345
CALL INT2SNG(a%, a!) ' a! now equals 12345
Function: n$ = INT2STR(a%, options%)
object file: int2str.obj
Function: n$ = LNG2STR(a&, options%)
object file: lng2str.obj
INT2STR and LNG2STR are similar to BASIC's STR$(a%) function,
with the addition of flexible number format options. Number$ may be used
with QLIB's video output subroutines. Formatting options include negative
numbers in accounting format (enclosed by parentheses) and commas after
thousands. LNG2STR's number$ is 17 characters long, and INT2STR creates
a string 10 characters long. In both cases, the number will be right-
justified in number$. If a% (or a&) is non-negative and accounting
format is selected, a space will be included to the right of the number
to justify it with negative numbers in the same format.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
a% = 24561
options% = 2 ' include commas
options% = options% OR 1 ' accounting format
number$ = INT2STR(a%, options%)
CALL Qprint(number$, etc...
Subroutine: LNG2Date(month%, day%, year%, date&)
See Date2LNG
Function: i% = MaxINTArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
Function: i% = MinINTArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object files: (medium model) maxmin0.obj
(huge model) maxmin0.obj, lowds2hi.obj
Function: i% = MaxLNGArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
Function: i% = MinLNGArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object files: (medium model) maxmin1.obj
(huge model) maxmin1.obj, lowds2hi.obj
Function: i% = MaxSNGArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object files: (medium model) maxsng.obj
(huge model) maxsng.obj, lowds2hi.obj
Function: i% = MaxDBLArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object files: (medium model) maxdbl.obj
(huge model) maxdbl.obj, lowds2hi.obj
Function: i% = MinSNGArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object files: (medium model) minsng.obj
(huge model) minsng.obj, lowds2hi.obj
Function: i% = MinDBLArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object files: (medium model) mindbl.obj
(huge model) mindbl.obj, lowds2hi.obj
INT, LNG, SNG and DBL functions find the array element with
maximum or minimum value between begin% and begin + n%.
80x87 not required. These functions are very fast.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
DIM a%(99) ' 100 element integer array
begin% = 0 ' start with the first array element
n% = 90 ' look at the first 90 array elements
' a%(0) -> a%(89)
aSEG% = VARSEG(a%(begin%))
aPTR% = VARPTR(a%(begin%))
i% = MaxINTArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
PRINT "the maximum value is"; a%(i% + begin%)
Function: i% = MaxDBLb(seg%, ptr%, n%, bytes%)
object files: (medium model) maxdbl.obj
(huge model) maxdbl.obj, lowds2hi.obj
Function: i% = MinDBLb(seg%, ptr%, n%, bytes%)
object files: (medium model) mindbl.obj
(huge model) mindbl.obj, lowds2hi.obj
Function: i% = MaxINTb(seg%, ptr%, n%, bytes%)
Function: i% = MinINTb(seg%, ptr%, n%, bytes%)
object files: (medium model) maxmin0.obj
(huge model) maxmin0.obj, lowds2hi.obj
Function: i% = MaxLNGb(seg%, ptr%, n%, bytes%)
Function: i% = MinLNGb(seg%, ptr%, n%, bytes%)
object files: (medium model) maxmin1.obj
(huge model) maxmin1.obj, lowds2hi.obj
Function: i% = MaxSNGb(seg%, ptr%, n%, bytes%)
object files: (medium model) maxsng.obj
(huge model) maxsng.obj, lowds2hi.obj
Function: i% = MinSNGb(seg%, ptr%, n%, bytes%)
object files: (medium model) minsng.obj
(huge model) minsng.obj, lowds2hi.obj
Similar to MaxINTArray and MinINTArray, but the byte increment between
array elements to search is specified. This is handy for
multi-dimensional arrays. This is best explained with an example.
(example on next page)
(MaxINTb example)
DECLARE FUNCTION MaxINTb% (s, p, n, bytes%)
' dimension a 40- by 40 integer array
DIM a(39, 39)
' fill the array with random numbers
FOR j = 0 TO 39
FOR i = 0 TO 39: a(i, j) = CINT(100 * RND): NEXT i
' clear the screen to show the results
' I want to find the maximum value between a(20, 0) and a(20, 39)
FOR i = 0 TO 39: PRINT a(20, i): NEXT i
' search 40 data points
n = 40
' get segment and offset address for a(20, 0)
s = VARSEG(a(20, 0)): p = VARPTR(a(20, 0))
' calculate the byte space between successive array elements
' this works whether you're in row-major or column-major mode
' recall that p% = VARPTR(a(20, 0))
bytes% = VARPTR(a(20, 1)) - p%
' call the function; the array element with the highest value from
' a(20, 0) to a(20, 39) is a(20, (0+i))
i = MaxINTb(s, p, n, b)
PRINT: PRINT a(20, i);
Function: i% = MaxVSTRArray(o%, n%) (QB4.x only)
Function: i% = MinVSTRArray(o%, n%) (QB4.x only)
object file: maxmin5.obj
Finds longest or shortest string in a variable-length string
array. o% = VARPTR(a$(start%)), and n% is the number of array elements
to search.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
DIM A$(99) ' an array of 100 variable-length strings
. ' program establishes strings
i% = MaxVSTRArray(VARPTR(a$(0)),100)
PRINT "The longest string in the array is " + a$(i%)
Function: month$ = MonthName(month%)
Object file: mname.obj (q$mname.obj, strncpy.obj)
MonthName returns an ASCII string with the month name, given
a month% number from 1 to 12. Unlike an array of month names
dimesioned by BASIC and stored as an array of variable-length strings,
MonthName's data is stored outside of DGROUP, freeing that precious
space for other string data.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
month% = 1 ' January
PRINT MonthName(month%) ' prints "January"
Subroutine: MulINTArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, number!)
Subroutine: MulLNGArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, number!)
Subroutine: MulSNGArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, number!)
Subroutine: MulDBLArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, number#)
Subroutine: MulINTb(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, number!, bytes%)
Subroutine: MulLNGb(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, number!, bytes%)
Subroutine: MulSNGb(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, number!, bytes%)
Subroutine: MulDBLb(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, number#, bytes#)
object file: mularray.obj
MulArray subroutines multiply n% elements of an array
by a constant real number. MulArray subroutines use the 8087 if
available, or use the 8087 emulator if no 8087 is in the computer.
Note that DBL arrays are multiplied by a double-precision real number
(number#), all other data types are multiplied by a single-precision
real number (number!). With Mul???b subroutines, you must specify
the byte increment between successive data elements.
DIM a#(99) ' 100-element array, double precision
number# = 4.78
n% = 50 ' multiply a#(0) through a#(49) by number#
aSEG% = VARSEG(a#(0)) ' aSEG% = segment where a#(0) is stored
aPTR% = VARPTR(a#(0)) ' aPTR% = offset of a#(0) in aSEG%
CALL MulDBLArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, number#)
Function: ReadSShort(ArraySeg%, ArrayPtr%, ShortOffset%)
Function: ReadUShort(ArraySeg%, ArrayPtr%, ShortOffset%)
Subroutine: WriteShort(ArraySeg%, ArrayPtr%, ShortOffset%, value%)
object file: shortint.obj
Read/WriteShort subroutines provide support for short integers,
allowing some integer arrays to be compressed to half the normal size.
In order to use these subroutines, the data must be within the ranges
Signed short integers: -128 to 127 (use ReadSShort)
unsigned short integers: 0 to 255 (use ReadUShort)
A normal array must be dimensioned before these subroutines can be used.
WriteShort stores value% in the array at byte offset ShortOffset%, and
ReadShort subroutines return the number at ShortOffset% as value%.
Be sure you know what you're doing if you use these subroutines.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
REM I want to store 300 integers in a Short integer array.
REM The data I'm using falls within the range of values for
REM short unsigned integers, 0 to 255.
REM First, I need to dimension an array to hold the data.
DIM array%(149)
REM 150 integer array elements, 0 to 149, = 300 short integers, 0 to 299
REM The example below stores value% as ShortArray(200)
value% = 125
n% = 200
ArraySeg% = VARSEG(array%(0))
ArrayPtr% = VARPTR(array%(0))
CALL WriteShort(ArraySeg%, ArrayPtr%, n%, value%)
REM now I'll read the value back
ArraySeg% = VARSEG(array%(0))
ArrayPrt% = VARPTR(array%(0))
value% = ReadUShort(ArraySeg%, ArrayPtr%, n%)
Function: c$ = ReplaceString$(a$, b$, i%, n%)
object file: replace.obj
ReplaceString replaces n% characters of a$ with b$, placing b$ at
i in a$. See the example if you're still confused.
a$ = "a blue tree"
b$ = "purple"
i% = InString(a$, "blue", 1) ' find start of "blue" in a$
n% = 4 ' length of "blue"
PRINT ReplaceString(a$, b$, i%, n%)
' prints "a purple tree"
Subroutine: Scramble(str$)
Subroutine: UnScramble(str$)
object file: scramble.obj
Scramble does what its name implies; it scrambles the bits in the
string str$ to make it unreadable. This can be handy for hiding
passwords. Since some characters in str$ may be translated to end-of-file
or carriage return marks, a scrambled string saved to disk should be
written into a fixed field file or random-access file, not a sequential
file. UnScramble should be used to restore str$.
password$ = "Chocolate Ice Cream"
CALL Scramble(password$) ' password$ is now unreadable
CALL UnScramble(password$) ' password is restored
Subroutine: SetArray1(segment%, ptr%, n%, value%)
object file: set2.obj
Subroutine: SetArray1b(segment%, ptr%, n%, value%, bytes%)
object files: (medium model) set2b.obj
(huge model) set2b.obj, lowes2hi.obj
Subroutine: SetArray2(segment%, ptr%, n%, value%)
object file: set2.obj
Subroutine: SetArray2b(segment%, ptr%, n%, value%, bytes%)
object files: (medium model) set2.obj
(huge model) set2.obj, lowes2hi.obj
Subroutine: SetArray4(segment%, ptr%, n%, value![or value&])
Subroutine: SetArray8(segment%, ptr%, n%, value#[or value@])
Subroutine: SetArray4b(segment%, ptr%, n%, value![or value&], bytes%)
Subroutine: SetArray8b(segment%, ptr%, n%, value#[or value@], bytes%)
object files: (medium model) set4.obj
(huge model) set4.obj, lowes2hi.obj
Set n% elements of an array to a value. Note that the value passed to
the subroutine is the same data type as the array. SetArray1 is for
QLIB's short integer arrays, SetArray2 is for INTEGER arrays, SetArray4
is for LONG or SINGLE arrays, and SetArray8 is for DOUBLE or BC7's
CURRENCY arrays. With SetArray1b, SetArray2b, SetArray4b and
SetArray8b, the increment between array elements (bytes%) must be
Example 1:
DIM a%(99): n%=100 ' integer array of 100 elements
value% = -6
s% = VARSEG(a%(0)) ' starting with first array element
p% = VARPTR(a%(0))
CALL SetArray2(s%, p%, n%, value%)
REM we just set each element of the array a%() to -6
Example 2:
DIM a&(9999): n% = 1000 ' long integer array of 10000 elements
. ' each array element is 4 bytes long
value& = 140
bytes% = 8 ' set only every other array element
s% = VARSEG(a&(0))
p% = VARPTR(a&(0))
CALL SetArray4b(s%, p%, n%, value&, bytes%)
REM we just set 1000 elements of the array a&() to 140
Subroutine: ShiftCUR(value@, factor%) (BC7/QBX only)
Subroutine: SShiftCUR(value@, factor%) (BC7/QBX only)
object file: shiftcur.obj
Subroutine: ShiftINT(value%, factor%)
Subroutine: SShiftINT(value%, factor%)
object file: shift.obj
Subroutine: ShiftLNG(value&, factor%)
Subroutine: SShiftLNG(value&, factor%)
object file: shiftlng.obj
Shifts all the bits in an integer factor% times. If factor% is
positive, the bits are shifted LEFT. This effectively multiplies the
value by a power of two in most instances. If factor% is negative, the
bits are shifted RIGHT ABS(factor%) times. This is similar in effect to
an integer divide by a power of two. Shift and SShift subroutines differ
in the way negative numbers are treated when shifting right. Shift will
replace the bits shifted off the right end of the data with zeros at the
left, thus making negative numbers do unpredictable things. SShift
(Signed Shift) preserves the sign of the original value so that shifting
the value right effectively divides the value by a factor% value of two.
Note, however, that repeated SShifting of a positive value right results
in value = 0, while a negative value SShifted right repeatedly ends up
with value = -1.
Example 1:
VALUE% = 47: factor% = 3
CALL ShiftINT(VALUE%, factor%)
REM we just shifted VALUE% left three bits
REM (in this case getting 47 * 2^3, or 376)
Example 2:
VALUE% = 47: factor% = -3
CALL ShiftINT(VALUE%, factor%)
REM we just shifted VALUE% right 3 bits
REM (here getting 47 \ 2^3, or 5)
Subroutine: ShiftINTArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, factor%, oops%)
Subroutine: SShiftINTArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, factor%, oops%)
object file: array1.obj
Subroutine: ShiftLNGArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, factor%, oops%)
Subroutine: SShiftLNGArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, factor%, oops%)
object file: lngarray.obj
Shifts the bits of any n% elements of an integer array
ABS(factor%) times. Positive values of factor% shift array elements
LEFT. This is equivalent to multiplying the element by a factor% power
of 2 in most instances. Negative values of factor% cause an integer
divide by an ABS(factor%) power of 2. OOPS% will be returned -1 if an
overflow occurred. Oops% will also be -1 if any negative numbers
are shifted left, thus the usefulness of oops% in these subroutines is
limited. SShiftArray preserves the sign of right-shifted values.
See SShiftINT for details.
DIM a%(100)
n% = 20
factor% = 1
aSEG% = VARSEG(a%(0))
aOFF% = VARPTR(a%(0))
CALL ShiftINTArray(aSEG%, aOFF%, n%, factor%, oops%)
IF oops% = -1 THEN PRINT "Oops, must have overflowed somewhere"
REM assuming there were no negative numbers in the array
Function: a% = SNG2INT(a!, oops%)
object file: sng2int.obj
Copies the integer portion of a single-precision number a! to
the integer a%. This is similar to BASIC's a% = INT(a!) command,
except SNG2INT is about 6 times faster without an 8087, and SNG2INT
returns the error flag oops% = -1 if a! is too big, instead of crashing
the program with an "overflow" error message. Does not require a math
coprocessor. Range of usable numbers is -32768 to +32767.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
a! = 20956.64
a% = SNG2INT(a!, oops%)
IF oops% THEN ' results usable?
GOTO TooBig ' argh! try something else
Function: a& = SNG2LNG(a!, oops%)
object file: sng2lng.obj
Copies the integer portion of a single-precision number a! to
the long integer a&. This is similar to BASIC's a& = INT(a!) command,
except SNG2LNG is about 3 times faster without an 8087, and SNG2LNG
returns the error flag oops% = -1 if a! is too big, instead of crashing
the program with an "overflow" error message. Does not require a math
coprocessor. Range of usable numbers is about -2147483500 to
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
a! = 209587.64
a& = SNG2LNG(a!, oops%)
IF oops% THEN ' results usable?
GOTO TooBig ' argh! try something else
Subroutine: SortINTArrayHI(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
Subroutine: SortINTArrayLO(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object file: sortint.obj
Subroutine: SortLNGArrayHI(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
Subroutine: SortLNGArrayLO(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object file: sortlng.obj
Subroutine: SortDBLArrayHI(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object file: sortsng0.obj
Subroutine: SortDBLArrayLO(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object file: sortsng1.obj
Subroutine: SortSNGArrayHI(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object file: sortdbl0.obj
Subroutine: SortSNGArrayLO(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object file: sortdbl1.obj
Sorts n% elements of an array. SortArrayHI subroutines arrange
a() in descending order (highest first), SortArrayLO subroutines arrange
a() in ascending order. 8087 not required.
DIM a%(999) ' integer array, 1000 elements
. ' program establishes values
. ' for a%()
n%=1000 ' sort all elements from low to high
aSEG% = VARSEG(a%(0))
aPTR% = VARPTR(a%(0))
CALL SortINTArrayLO(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
Subroutine: SortVSTRArrayHI(o%, n%)
Subroutine: SortVSTRArrayLO(o%, n%)
object file: sortvstr.obj (q$swap.obj)
Subroutine: SortVSTRArrayHI2(o%, n%)
Subroutine: SortVSTRArrayLO2(o%, n%)
Object files: sortvst2.obj (maxmin5.obj, q$swap.obj)
These subroutines sort a variable-length string array a$() from
low to high or high to low. Note that for case-sensetive subroutines,
"A" < "a" and "A" < "AA". SortVSTRArray2 subroutines are
case-insensetive, so that "A" = "a" and "a" < "AA". o% is the address
of the first element in the string array to be sorted, and n% is the
number of strings to sort.
DIM a$(149) ' variable-length string array, 150 strings
. ' program establishes strings
start% = 10
n% = 140 ' sort through the remainder of the array
' be careful that n% + start% does not
' exceed the length of the array, or your
' program will crash
o% = VARPTR(a$(start%)) ' start the sort with the 11th string
CALL SortVSTRArrayLO(o%, n%)
Function: position% = strchr(a$, a%)
object file: strchr.asm
Searches string a$ for the first occurance of character a%.
This is similar to using INSTR(a$, CHR$(a%)) to search for a character,
except that strchr is quicker than QuickBASIC.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
a$ = "A foggy day"
a% = 32 ' look for first space
position% = strchr(a$, a%)
Function: a$ = StripChar(s$, t$)
object file: strip1.obj
Returns a string with all characters of t$ removed from s$.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
s$ = "$1,234,567.89" ' a formatted string representing a number
t$ = "$," ' remove the non-numeric characters
a$ = StripChar(s$, t$)
PRINT a$ ' prints "1234567.89"
Function: total# = SumINTArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object files: sumi2.obj (sumarray.obj)
Function: total# = SumLNGArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object files: sumi4.obj (sumarray.obj)
Function: total# = SumSNGArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object files: sumf4.obj (sumarray.obj)
Function: total# = SumDBLArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
object files: sumf8.obj (sumarray.obj)
Adds n% array elements starting with a(start%) and returns the
total as a real number. Note that the total is a double-precision real
number for all SumArray routines. SumArray subroutines use the 80x87 if
available, or use the 8087 emulator if no 80x87 is in the computer.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
DIM a#(99) ' 100-element array, double precision
start% = 10
n% = 50 ' total a#(10) through a#(59)
aSEG% = VARSEG(a#(start%)) ' aSEG% = segment where a#(10) is stored
aPTR% = VARPTR(a#(start%)) ' aPTR% = offset of a#(10) in aSEG%
total# = SumDBLArray(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%)
Function: total# = SumINTb(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, bytes%)
object files: sumi2b.obj (sumi2.obj, sumarray.obj)
Function: total# = SumLNGb(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, bytes%)
object files: sumi4b.obj (sumi4.obj, sumarray.obj)
Function: total# = SumSNGb(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, bytes%)
object files: sumf4b.obj (sumf4.obj, sumarray.obj)
Function: total# = SumDBLb(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, bytes%)
object files: sumf8b.obj (sumf8.obj, sumarray.obj)
Similar to SumINT|LNG|SNG|DBLArray functions, but the byte
interval between adjacent numbers may be specified. This is
handy for TYPEd arrays or multi-dimensioned arrays. These
subroutines use the 80x87 if available, or use the 8087 emulator
if no 80x87 is in the computer.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
DIM a#(3,99)
start% = 0
n% = 100 ' total a#(1,0) through a#(1,99)
aSEG% = VARSEG(a#(1,start%)) ' aSEG% = segment where a#(10) is stored
aPTR% = VARPTR(a#(1,start%)) ' aPTR% = offset of a#(10) in aSEG%
bytes% = VARPTR(a#(1,1)) - VARPTR(a#(1,0))
total# = SumDBLb(aSEG%, aPTR%, n%, bytes)
Subroutine: Today(month%, day%, year%, weekday%)
object file: today.obj
Returns integer values for month (1 - 12), day of month (1 - 31),
year (1980 - 2099), and day of week (1 - 7, Sunday through Saturday)
from the system clock.
CALL Today(month%, day%, year%, weekday%)
Function: l% = TrimRight(str$)
object file: trimr.obj
TrimRight returns the length l% of a string without its trailing
blank spaces. This is similar to BASIC's RTRIM$ function.
REM $INCLUDE: 'qlib.bi'
length$ = TrimRight(st$)
st$ = LEFT$(st$, length%)
REM This example is equivalent to BASIC's st$ = RTRIM$(st$)
Subroutine: UPcase(st$)
Subroutine: LOcase(st$)
object file: case.obj
Converts each character in st$ to Upper case / Lower case.
st$ = "This is a string of characters"
CALL UPcase(st$)